Stellar Academy


Pre Assessment

The training will start with a Pre Assessment Test to gauge the level of the students. Based on the performance, the level and coverage of material and teaching will be decided.

Mid Assessment

A dedicated team of faculty members will be assigned to the college.
Study Material will be distributed to the students in each class, comprising of class discussion as well as home assignment questions. Each student will be provided with a login for the Online test, where he/she can practice additional questions.

Post Assessment

A post assessment test will be conducted at the end of the course to measure the performance improvement and the analysis will be shared with the college

Stellar Academy

Online Chapter-wise & Company Mock Tests

50+ Full – length tests

100+ Sectional Tests

All the results will be shared with the students and the management

A comprehensive performance report will be submitted

Stellar Academy



Quantitative ability

Number theory, Ratio, Proportion & Variation, Averages, Mixtures & Alligations, Percentages, Profit & Loss, partnership, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Time, Speed & Distance, Time & Work, Permutation & Combination, Probability, Crypt Arithmetic, Data Sufficiency, Data Interpretation

Reasoning ability

Number and Letter series, Coding & Decoding, Blood relations, Syllogism, Cubes cuboids & Dices, Arrangements, Direction Sense, Critical reasoning, Puzzles, Syllogism

Verbal ability

Grammar basics - Parts of Speech, Nouns, Articles, Pronouns, Prepositions, Conjunctions and Interjections, Active voice, Passive voice & Modal auxiliary verbs, Synonyms / Antonyms & Idioms / Phrases, Sentence Improvement/Correction & Spotting errors, Verbal analogies, Sentence completion, Formation and sentence edited, Reading comprehension, Jumble sentence / Paragraph, Theme deduction


C Programming

Fundamentals of C Language, Overview of C Language, Data Types in C Language, Variable in C Language, Constant in C Language, Operators and Enums in C Language, Decision Making of C Language, Loop control in C Language, Control Flow in C Programming, Array in C Language, String in C Language, Function in C Language, TECHNICAL COURSE STRUCTURE, String functions in C, Recursion in c, Pointer in C Language, Structure in C Language, Union in C Language, File Input/output, Dynamic Memory Allocation, C Pre-processor, Command Line Arguments, Linear Datastructures, Non Linear Linear Datastructures, Searching & Sorting Algorith


Introduction Introduction to Java Programming Environment, Fundamentals of Java Programming, Control Structures, Input Fundamentals & Datatypes in JAVA, OOPS Concepts, Command Line arguements, IDE, Inner Class, Inheritance, TECHNICAL COURSE STRUCTURE, Abstract Classes and Inheritance, Polymorphism, Package, Using Predefined Package & Other Classes, New Concepts In Package, Garbage Collection, Exception Handling, Multithreading, Input & Output streams, Serialization


Lesson 01 - Python Basics

Lesson 02 - Python Data Structures

Lesson 03 - Python Programming Fundamentals

Lesson 04 - Working with Data in Python

Lesson 05 - Working with NumPy Arrays